Why Do We work Like Hell?

Let’s Discuss This Misconception

Har Narayan
2 min readApr 29, 2022
Photo by MART PRODUCTION: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-in-blue-dress-up-shirt-looking-at-money-8872401/

Why do we work like hell? For self-satisfaction? Or to prove other people wrong? Or something else?

No nothing else…

The answer is — We all work for MONEY.

That’s it.

Our ultimate goal is to make money from our work. Some people say no I don't work for the money it's my hobby I work because I'm passionate about it, Blah, Blah, Blah.

Ok, I agreed. you’re working because it's your hobby because you love it.

But let me ask you something — How long you will be continuing your work without making any money from it?

Day, months, 1 year, 2 years, 5 years? then one day you would stop.

Let me say this —

MONEY — Is the Biggest Motivation.

Give me the name of the person that work free for their whole life ( don’t include mother Teresa)

Maybe Nobody…

From entry-level jobs to big companies, brands, CEOs, and executives work for money.

Now there are 2 scenarios that happen either they leave their current job and search for another one.

Why does that happen?

Because they either don't like the work/job or they are not interested in that job/work. And it’s ok to leave your job and search for another one. Once they find the perfect match for them they stick with it and their ultimate goal will be — MONEY.

Because they already found interest in that job or they love the work what they do.

But why I'm writing this post? and what you can learn from this post?

First thing first money is motivation as I said above, secondly nobody like if they don't get paid for their work.

If someone saying you that he works for free then admit that the person is lying to you — they will not gonna do that for years. I agreed that money is not important, but it’s the part of the game, and you have to admit it.

I wrote this article because I've also heard these terms, sentences, from some people’s mouths “I work for free because I love it”

And I was like — shut the fuck off.

Ok guys this was a quick article about the harsh truth that no one talks about. I thought — I should. And I did.

Forgive me if I kiss your ass badly.

Keep Making Money — Keep Writing.

Let’s Connect On LinkedIn — linkedin.com/in/har-narayan/



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