What Does It Take To Become A Better Writer

Not Only For Writers, But It also Applies For Everyone.

Har Narayan
4 min readMay 19, 2022
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto: https://www.pexels.com/photo/positive-black-man-listening-to-music-with-wireless-earphones-and-taking-notes-in-diary-on-street-4559959/
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto

How to become really good at something?

Learning a craft is not as easy as we think. It costs us so much more than we think. In every aspect of our life, we give something in order to take something.

There is nothing like — something for nothing.

Why do most people fail to learn something?

Because of, a lack of givingness. They want to learn something but they don't want to pay for it.

That's how not things work.

So in this post, I'm going to share with you the major component that cost you in order to become a better writer.

Let's jump in —

1: Consistency

The very first thing is — consistency.

If you do anything in a consistence way, you will achieve the level you want to achieve, you will become the person you want to become. Without consistency, it is hard to become good at anything.

Consistency is the key to success.

If you want to become a good writer, you have to write every single day, no matter what situation you are in, no matter how you feel, you have to write every day without procrastination. And being consistent at anything is hard, most people break their consistency.

But success only comes when you do work consistently.

2: Mindset

Another one is — Mindset.

Without a right and the proper mindset, you can’t perform well in the work. Often times we distract ourselves because of our mindset and thus cause us loss in work.

Your mindset depends on your environment, your friends, your colleagues, what you see, what you consume, and so on. If your surrounding is not good then chances are you'll change your mindset according to them.

So how does mindset play role in your work?

If you think in a negative way like, I can’t do it, it’s impossible, I'm not feeling good, only bad things happen with me, it’s so hard to do, then your brain will be working in the same way. On the other hand, if you think like, oh, I can do this, this so easy, let's do this, wow I'm done. thinks like that, then your brain will work for you positively. (positive affirmation — which is the most important part of mindset)

That's why surrounding yourself with like-minded people is very important, who can motivate you, inspire you, and help you.

So work on your mindset. Do meditations. Give time to yourself. Change your mindset.

3: Hard Work

In order to hone any craft, it takes so much hard work, you have to do the work hours of hours for a very long period of time on a consistence basis to make your skill sharpen. You have to put so much effort into your mind, into your body, to perform the work.

Dedicate yourself to achieving the things you want to achieve, no matter what it cost you pay it and get it, This is should be in your mindset.

You don't need to overwork, do it in the limitations. let's talk about the next one.

4: Discipline

Yes, this is the most important factor in mastering anything. Don't make it complicated just discipline yourself, discipline your work. Most people work till late at night to horn the craft, but you don't need to do that. (yeah, some people work like that, and it’s ok)

Someday they do work someday they don’t, someday they learn someday they don’t, and also they often procrastinate.


Because they’re not disciplined.

Maybe, they work in late-night because they have other work to do during the day and they don't get time, thus they work till late at night. Or they work the whole night and sleep the whole day, feel unproductive, miserable life. don't get me but that's not the sign of good performers.

The night is for the rest not for the work. (if work is not urgent)

Think of it, we all have 24 hours, for everyone, and if you create times for your work, then there is no need to work at 3 am at the night. Make your time, organize your time, and do work according to time, there is no need to do the work at 3 am. Because you already have mastered the mindset, consistency, and hard work that — they don't.

And if you do this in a disciplined manner your will achieve your goal faster than others.

5: Patience

And, and, and, last but not least, this is a very important factor to accomplish anything in life.

Patience is the key.

Man! you have to be patient, things take time to improve, you can’t learn the writing in just one day or one month or in six months, it takes time, years of everyday writing.

Most people fail to keep patient.

Did you remember the example from Atomic Habit book? — you have an ice cube sitting on the table in front of you and the room temp is 25°C. and once the room begins to heat up.

26°C — No change in ice cube

27°C — No change in ice cube

28°C — No change in ice cube

29°C — No change in ice cube

30°C — No change in ice cube

31°C — No change in ice cube

32°C — Begin to melt…

Things take time to change. — Universal truth.

Bottom Line

In order to master any craft, skill, or art, you need to first master these elements that play a major role in the game. Once you mastered these elements, you will get everything you want.

If you want to hone the craft of writing, apply the same elements, be consistent, do hard work, be patient, and you will get there.


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Keep Writing.



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