Waking Up At 5 AM Everyday Changed My Life, Here’s How
If You’re Not Waking Up Early In The Morning You’re Losing Huge Wealth…
Have you ever tried to wake up early in the morning?
If yes then, you might be better to know, How hard is to wake up early in the morning. But waking up at 5 am can change your life as it changed mine. I’ve been waking up at 5 am for a couple of months.
Although, there is no correlation between waking up at 5 am to success.
There are millions of people who had achieved success without waking up early in the morning as well as there are millions of people who woke up at 5 AM not get success.
Am I right?
But waking up early in the morning has more benefits than you think. It's about our health, our mindfulness, our productivity, our motivation, and so on. Also not it down that there is no single side effect or disadvantage of waking up early in the morning.
waking up early in the morning is 100% worth it.
Here are some changes that happened to me after waking up at 5 am for a couple of months — and to be continued.
So without further ado let's dive in —
#1: Highly Productive
I feel more productive every single morning and I do my work effectively. I force myself and trick my brain to decide my whole day based on my morning efficiency — and it works.
I know it’s hard to wake up early in the morning when you’re going to make a habit of it. But once you made it you wouldn't break it.
Trust me.
I’ve been waking up early in the morning for the last couple of months and now I never procrastinate doing it, because I made it a habit and I love to wake up early in the morning.
And yeah, I feel Productive every day.
#2: Personal development
It gives you more time to improve yourself.
What generally I do — I wake up at 5 AM and drink water, do Meditation, exercise, and read books for at least 1:30 to 2 hours. that's how I start my productive morning.
When I was waking up late in the morning like 8 am or 9 am I was doing nothing — no drinking more water, no meditation, no exercise, no book reading — Nothing at all.
Kind of Life Was sucks.
And you better know how meditation is powerful, how exercise is important for us to keep us healthy — and much more.
#3: Gratitude
I feel grateful that I get extra time to work on my health and personal development.
It keeps me motivated that I woke up early in the morning when no one else wakes up at that time( where I live people generally wake up at 6 AM — 7 AM)
#4: Better Health
Doing exercise daily feel and keeps me more healthy better than doing nothing, I usually do home exercise for 10 to 15 minutes which is much for me to keep healthy ( i avoid eating junk foods)
Overall the point is to make small habits that lead to big results, you don’t have to take big steps like doing mediation for 50 minutes, going to the GYM daily.
Not at all, that’s how not habits make.
Take baby steps….
Waking up early in the morning is one of the best habits I have ever made,
Think about it.
You’re waking up at 10 am or onwards and doing no such thing as meditation, exercise, and feeling bored the whole day, that’s not a good sign.
Don’t get me wrong, It’s nothing with success.
But what I'm saying is — waking up early in the morning is a good habit if you want to live a better long life. Why most billionaires woke up early in the morning — They all are early Birds.
Elon musk — 6 AM,
Jeff Bezos — 6:30 AM
Warren buffet — 6:45 AM
Bill gates — 7 AM
Keep Writing.
Har Narayan — Signing Off.