The Unbiased Method To Find Your Niche As A Complete Beginner Writer

This is how I got my niche

Har Narayan
3 min readJan 2, 2024

Finding your niche is damn hard!

Back in 2022, when I started online on a platform called Quora, I would write about stuff like Politics, culture, or what I “Find” interesting.

Said differently, I had no clue what the hell I was doing!

But you know the best part about writing? It forces you to “Think.” It forces you to slow down and second-guess everything — to find what and why.

So then, I really started thinking about this “Niche” thing.

As I would write about those “Random” topics, the one thing was sure that I wasn’t enjoying the topics that I was writing about, but it was just me who was an “Aspiring writer” who wanted to become a writer. So I did.

But the question was how do I now find my niche?

So I second-guessed and asked questions like “What do I like to read?” “What am I actually interested in?” or “What do I want to learn?” Etc.

These questions led me to the answer to finding my niche.

I said, enough is enough, let’s do this: Pick top three favorite niches that you want to:

  • Educate yourself on
  • Like to read content on
  • And, build a business around

So this is what I did. I listed out 20–25 niches that could be my potential niches and selected only the top 3 niches. Those were: Making money online, self-improvement, and writing.

Make money online? I wanted to educate myself about this industry. I also liked to read content (blogs, YouTube videos, etc ) on this topic. And, I also wanted to build a business around this niche.

Self-improvement? I really started reading self-help and personal development books at the same time I started writing online. So I wanted to explore and learn more about this topic to gain wisdom.

Writing? Since I wanted to become a writer, I needed to improve my writing. And the only way to improve it was to write and read about writing. The plan was to read — and share what I’ve learned in public.

The PathlessPath was clear. Now I had a clue about what I should be doing. So I started writing about these three niches. Two things happened...

  • Experience: Often times we like to read content on a topic but when it comes to writing the content itself, it becomes a burden. The same thing happened to me. I realized I like to read content on self-improvement but it’s not the topic I want to write about. Making money posts felt like I was starting a new business every new morning. So stopped both. The only topic I left with was writing. It was good because it didn't feel boring since there were so many things to learn about: top writers, books, styles, etc. So I went all-in with this niche.
  • Data Points: As I was writing about making money online and self-improvement — it wasn’t just I didn’t enjoy the process of writing but also the metrics: likes, views, and comments, I was getting weren’t good at all. I don’t know why but it made me realize that I should not be writing about these topics. Writing? Worked so well. Whenever I would publish a new post about writing it would perform well. It was a signal. So what did I do? I was enjoying the process. The work was paying off. As a result, I went all with writing niche.

Writing and teaching about writing not only made me a better writer but also helped me monetize my work and made me the money I wanted to make. I still teach writing though, but I’ve incorporated it with Medium Growth. And the combination of both — works so well.

How to find your niche? Write for yourself.



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