Stop Spending Money On Sh!t Courses — Do This Instead

We Need to Talk About That

Har Narayan
4 min readApr 5, 2022
Photo by Katerina Holmes from Pexels:

Do you really need to spend money on writing courses? Is it worth it?

There are thousands of so-called writing gurus who are selling their courses to newbie writers. I'm not talking about a real “writing guy” who genuinely delivers their value to the people — I'm talking about shitty courses.

I'm writing this post because I was also trapped in some sort of course in my early writing journey, but somehow I got my refund. (i asked for)

In the age of information technology, I don't think you need to buy any course to learn writing skills, it doesn't matter whether you’re a beginner, intermediate, or expert. Every level of the writer needs to be something to learn every day, it's an endless journey- not a destination.

Once you stop learning — you’ll get out of the game.

Here are some steps to follow instead of taking any expensive courses.

Let's dive in —

Step #1: Googling

World #1 search engine — Google

There is no doubt you can find anything related to your query on google from how to make homemade pizzas to how to start a billion-dollar company. everything is available on Google. Type your keyword and information will show in your eyes in a second.

There are hundreds of thousands of free content available about writing, you don’t have to pay anything for that.

All you need is a laptop, internet connection, and a hungry soul.

Step #2: Youtube

Youtube is the #2 most searched engine website on the planet. You can literally find any videos, or tutorials regarding your query.

As you know youtube is also free to use, you don't have to pay anything to watch videos on youtube.

But also keep that in mind there is a lot of fake/wrong content available on both platforms. (google and youtube) You have to select the right answers, videos, and results, on the basis of some metrics.

  • For Google, it will be the top search results, and ranking,
  • For youtube, it will be likes, comments, and ranking.

Step #3: Groups & Forums

There are tons of groups and forums available for free on the internet, you can find those groups on Facebook, Reddit, and all the other social media platform, also you can find cool forums on the internet for free.

Although forums can be a bit challenging to find the right one for you, there are a lot more fake and scammy forums that exist on the internet.

A forum can be created by an individual or any group of people, just do your research. You don't have to pay anything for joining the forum, also there are lots of paid forums available but I would suggest you do not need to join paid one.

Step #4: Books

Books are the single most important thing that can help you in your writing career.

If you don't have money to buy any writing book you can download the ebook version of that book on the internet for free.

There are plenty of websites available on the internet that provides you with the free version of ebooks. — Go and search.

my fav writing books — Recommendation

  • Elements of Style
  • One well Writing
  • On Writing
  • Bird by bird

Step #5: Time

Writing is not something that you will buy the course and you will become an expert in the field, it's not gonna happen. Never.

Don't try to look for shortcuts they could ruin your writing career. Focus on your skills, although it takes time effort, consistency, and most importantly patience.

Nobody can be a better writer in 1 month or 2 months or even years. Writing is a journey, not a destination. If you want to be a better writer it will definitely gonna take time.

Step #6: Mindset

One of the most important things is your — mindset. You can’t become a better writer without the right mindset.

Am I Right?

Write daily, stay motivated and keep hustling — practice Makes Perfect.

Don't think negatively about writing, think in a positive way, it will boost your confidence and motivation. Stick with it for a long time and sooner or later the result will show — Don't lose hope.

That's It.

I know very well that there are also the best of the best courses available on the internet that teach and guide you. But, this post is all about the courses that are expensive and do not give you any value of it.

Although I'm against all the paid courses on writing — I Just Hate Them.

Let me ask you a question —

Why do you need to buy any course if everything is available on the internet for free?

Does it make sense? Think about it.

Keep Writing.

Har Narayan — Signing off



Har Narayan

Medium Growth Writer | Helping you create Medium stories that go viral, attract followers, and make money | Here :