How I Write A Post From Start To End — A Step By Step Guide
You can follow my exact same strategy to get views.
Every writer has a different writing style. Some writers start with body text, some writers start with the headline and some writers start with post image. And that's ok too.
But the point is, it doesn't matter whether you start from the headline or from the conclusion. No matter what’s your writing framework, and how good it is, if your post is not getting views, your writing is sucks.
And today in this post I will show you the exact framework how I write my posts from start to end that gets maximum views.
So without further ado let's dive into it —
Step 1: Spark An Idea
First thing first, it's obvious that if you want to write something about. You have to have an idea. So this is the first step where my writing actually begins.
Here’s how I get ideas about the topic —
- Nowadays I'm too obsessed with medium stats, I check my medium stats 10 to 15 times per day (Seriously) to see how many views I got, how many subscribers I got, what posts have got more views, and so on. And During that time I get ideas. (sometimes) Because there are so many things that stats tell you. All you have to do is just listen to the data and do what the data tells you. you can practically see my profile, I've written mostly about writing tactics these days, which I did get from medium stats. so keep an eye on your medium stats.
- Books — I read books a lot, and top authors say that if you want to be a writer you have to be a reader first. I read books twice a day, first in the morning and 2nd time in the evening. And when an idea hit me I immediately open my phone and grab that idea into my phone sticky notes.
Here are some other ways where I get my writing ideas —
- youTube videos.
- Talking with friends and family.
- Walking in the streets.
- listening music and podcasts.
- Thinking about things.
Step 2: Research About The Topic
Once I found the idea, my next step is to research about the topic so that I don't make mistakes to deliver the wrong message to the audience.
But I don't write stats-based content, as I only write about writing tactics and audience growth.
I write the things that I've experienced so far. Whether it’s writing tactics or, about any platform. And I'm a firm believer that if you write about the things that you have experienced along the journey then there is nothing wrong, and you’re not wrong at all. Although some people can disagree with you and that's too fine.
Step 3: First Priority Headline And Sub Headline
Let’s come to the juicy part, creating headline and subhead is my 3rd step. and I consider that your headline plays an 80% role in your content, if your headline will be cheap, then no one going to open it. So make sure your headline should be attractive and generate some curiosity gape.
Usually, I don’t take too much time creating headlines, as some writing gurus tell you that give 5 to 12 hours or even one to 2 days to make your headlines. I'm not going to do that.
What I basically do is, I make my headline concise, clear, and understandable. I don't want to add some fancy words in order to make them confusing.
And I do believe that its ok to take 5 to 12 hours or 2 or 3 days to make a headline but that's not applied to a daily writer who publishes daily content, but that can apply for a landing page, an email, a conversion page because these are the important pages that you have to make only once, and all this comes under copywriting not in the content writing.
Step 4: Short Listing — Write Main Page
After the headline and sub-headline creation, I shortlist the main point that I have to write about.
Let me give you a quick hint —
#point 1
#Point 2
#point 3
That's what I do.
First, I list down all the elements and then write them one by one. I never write with a blank page, as I used to be that type of writer but as I grew in writing I stopped that framework.
And it works really well for me (hope for you too)
Step 5: Attach Photos And Infographics
I'm not done yet, I didn't write the conclusion yet, and now I'm going to search for some photos, what? yes. (this is my writing style)
Once I complete the main points then I go for photos and infographics, generally, I don't use photos from medium partnered website Unsplash.
Mostly my post comes from the pixels. And it takes me 5 to 10 minutes to get an eye-catching photo.
But do you know the fun fact? we add photos to our post to make a thumbnail, and that thumbnail (feature image ) gets 0% visibility.
Let me ask you —
What do you see headline or side Photo? when you get a post on Medium home page.
99% of people will say — headline.
And on Medium 95% of people click a post just by seeing the headline not the picture.
So do you need to add photos to your post?
To look things better.
Step 6: Write Conclusion And CTA (Call to action)
Once I complete the media sections, I write my conclusion.
So why I don't just complete my post first, like I can write my whole post first, and then once I complete them all, then go for the media. But I don't do that. here is why —
Firstly I don't take breaks when I write, which means once I start writing I don't take a single break during the writing, I don't use the Pomodoro technique also.
I give a chance to my brain to brainstorm the ideas for a conclusion from a different angle. And when I come back after 5 to 10 minutes after the same thing happens, I write my conclusion from a different angle. This is why I prefer to give some time before writing the conclusion and call to action.
It’s a very deep analogy.
Step 7: Edit And Make Mistakes
And the final steps, my editing section. I don't wait for the next day to edit the written post, I edit my post 5 to 6 hours later.
I'm writing this post at 2 pm in the afternoon and I will edit this post at 8 pm in the evening.
And also as you know I am not a native English speaker so I make mistakes with my writing, like mistakes in words, and mistakes in grammar, and I don't give a fuck about that.
Instead, I correct them when I get feedback from the people and sometimes I get the error from myself.
My main goal is to deliver the message I want to deliver, and I think a tiny mistake can't stop you from understanding what I'm trying to say. And your goal is to get the idea from the post and get the information.
Only one word or sentence will be incorrect not a whole post.
But some people don't publish too much content because of that they don't have good command of English, they make grammar mistakes, they are afraid to make mistakes, and that's a big problem.
If you don't publish content, how you could improve yourself?
In order to become a better writer, you have to make mistakes and learn from your mistakes, correct those mistakes and go ahead.
I hope you've got some insight out of this post. Let me know your framework to write a blog post from start to end.
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Keep Writing.