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My 34 Priceless Writing Tips For You That’ll Improve Your Writing Forever

It’s time to change the way you write

Har Narayan
6 min readNov 2, 2022
freepik dot com

Want to change your writing pattern?

Over the period of 8 months I’ve written more than 150+ Medium articles. I know it’s a lot (I mean a lot). And for your kind information, let me tell you: it not only drastically improved my writing but also changed my life in some way. I learned so many things, made so many mistakes, and gained so many lessons throughout the journey.

So in this post, I’ve summarized my all learning and takeaways into these 34 writing tips that’ll improve your writing forever and make you a world-class writer.

Let’s jump in:

1. Don’t address the group, speak to the person

This one writing mistake can ruin your writing life.

Suppose you’re writing a Medium post, you start writing your post with:

  • The wrong approach - Hey writers.
  • The right approach - Hey writer

Choose the 2nd option. Life-changing improvement.

2. Put yourself in your reader’s shoes

Do you write for yourself? Stop it.

You are not the “North Star” in your writing, the reader is.

Always keep this in mind while writing your words.

3. Build a writing habit

  • If you can’t write 400 words, write 200.
  • If you can’t write 200 words, write 100.
  • If you can’t write 100 words, write 10.
  • If you can’t write 10 words, write 1.

Build habit, rest will come.

4. Pen and paper

Idea capturing is one of the biggest parts of writing.

No idea. No writing.

Always carry a pen and notebook or use digital note-taking tools to capture your best ideas.

5. Delete the word “That”

95% of the time you don’t need this word.


  • Don’t say - You believe that I’m a writer, but I’m not.
  • Say - You believe I’m a writer, but I’m not.

6. Tell stories

Without stories your writing is like a barren land.

Now, when you write your next piece start your words by telling your own story.

You’ll get 100x engagement.

7. Psychology >> Grammar

Don’t let grammar ruin your writing.

It’s not your academic writing, you’re not writing for marks.

Study human psychology and break the grammar rules when needed.

8. Write more, read less

You become a better writer by writing, not by reading.

I do believe you need to absorb content to write. But your reading span shouldn’t surpass your writing span. (If you truly want to become a better writer)

9. Use simple words

The simple you write, the smart you look.

The complex you write, the idiot you look.


Change “Proficiency” to “Skill”

Change “Component” to “Part”

10. Use You and Your

Want to make your writing more personal?

Use you and yours in your writing. (it feels more personal to the reader)

11. Say “Good Bye” to writer’s block

Never start writing with a blank page.

First, break down (outline) your content into 3 parts:

→ Introduction

→ Main points

→ Conclusion

Then expand. (much easier to write)

12. “Hook” the reader

Writing without hooks loses your reader’s attention.


Hook your readers by:

  • Showing data
  • Asking questions
  • Saying strong points
  • Showing big numbers/dollar sign

13. Use active voice, not passive

Always use active voice.

Here’s why:

→ Time-saving

→ Sound clearer

→ Shrink sentences

→ Better understanding

14. Use Contractions

This is by far the best way of writing better content.


  • I have → I’ve
  • Can not → Can’t
  • Would not → Wouldn’t

Much powerful.

15. Capitalization

The dumbest mistakes writers make.

  • Don’t capitalize words after a comma
  • Capitalise → Days + Months + Holidays
  • Always capitalize the first word of a sentence
  • Capitalise → Name + Proper noun + Countries + Cities + Places

16. More periods, fewer commas

Using too many commas in writing breaks your reader’s fluency.

Instead, use more periods in your wiring and fewer commas.

One of the coolest hacks I’ve ever found.

17. Replace the word “very”

Remove this word from your writing dictionary.

Because there are always alternatives words for “very”


  • Very cute → Adorable
  • Very easy → Effortless
  • Very often → Regularly
  • Very open → Transparent

You won’t regret doing it.

18. Don’t copy, steal

Amateur writers copy others.

Pro writers steal ideas and then make their own versions.

19. The reader’s best friend

The reader’s best friend is whitespace.

Thus, always give enough whitespace in your content so that your readers don’t feel bored while reading your piece.

More whitespace, better results.

20. Formatting matters

Aesthetic is another important part that every writer should focus on.

Good writing never happens without formatting.

How to format a post?


  • Arrows
  • Dashes
  • Numbers
  • Bullet points
  • Use formatting rhythms (ex: 1/3/1 )

21. Early birds

People tend to be more productive & creative in the morning. (Human nature)

You can’t find people saying: I feel unproductive all day therefore I start working after 10 pm.

Not a single one.

The point: build a habit of writing in the morning.

22. The art of short writing

No one likes reading long sentences with long paragraphs. Because it just bore the mind while reading.

The solution?

Short sentences, short paragraphs.

23. Read aloud

Want to catch your mistakes and errors?

Read your writing out loud.

24. Write first, edit later

The amateur writer edits their piece while writing.

Pro writer first writes their piece and then edit them later. (after hours, days, or weeks)

Next time?

Write first, edit later.

25. Edit like a pro

Write drunk, edit sober — Ernest Hemingway

Your writing needs to be clean. Thus remove all the fluff. Now some people suggest you: remove 90% of what you’ve written. Please don’t take such advice. Remove only those that are useless.

Then hit publish.

26. The “writing movement”

If you want to finish 4 hours of work in 2 hours then do this:

→ Say goodbye to your family.

→ Lock yourself in a room.

→ Turn off your phone.

→ Set a timer of xx min.

→ Start writing.

27. Typing master

Think about it if your typing speed is 20 WPM.

Low typing speed breaks your efficiency, thus your flow.

Master the art of typing.

28. Device switching

Another great writing hack I’ve found: Suppose you’re writing on your laptop, you finished writing your content. Now send your pdf/post link/document to your mobile and read it 2 times.

You’ll get to know where your writing is lacking.

Weird hack.

29. Headline mastery

Headline plays ~ 78% role in your writing.

Whether it’s your Twitter thread, blog post, or newsletter your headline should be attention-grabbing to get better results.

How to write better headlines?

  • Practice writing 10 to 15 headlines per day.

30. Rate of revelation (ROR)

ROR shows how quickly you reveal new information to the reader.

  • Low ROR can bore the reader.
  • High ROR increases engagement.

Make sure your ROR is super high.

31. Words on “Semicolons”

Avoid using semicolons because your reader has no idea what they mean.

Do you know what’s the purpose of using semicolons?

I never understood.

32. Omit the word “I think”

When you use this word it makes your writing weak.


  • I think most people fail in writing because of their consistency. (Weak)
  • Most people fail in writing because of their consistency. (Strong)

You’re a writer, and your readers know it.

33. Go for a long walk

I’m not saying meditate, drink more water, or do workouts.

If you want to gather honey (a bunch of new ideas) go for a long walk.

I don’t know why it works, but it does.

34. Grammarly

90% of digital writers use this writing tool.

Grammarly is an AI-based writing tool that understands machine learning. It can’t express the thoughts or feelings you want to deploy in your writing.

Ignore its suggestion if it’s showing against you.

If You Want To Grow And Make Money Writing On Medium, Here Are The 2 Ways I Can Help You With:

  1. Book A Consulting Call With Me By Clicking Here

2. Read The Medium Growth Guide Ebook By Clicking Here

See you on the other side.



Har Narayan

Medium Growth Writer | Helping you create Medium stories that go viral, attract followers, and make money | Here : harnarayan.bio.link