Medium Writers Please “ Stop Wasting Time On Wrong Things”
Instead, Do What Really Matters In Your Life
Writing daily is the only way to become a better writer. There is no second option. Never.
That's it.
Don't be trapped by shits — Get some spammy followers by follow for follow method, spam the comment sections for engagement — that has nothing to do with writing.
I’ll show you some points that most beginner writers tend to use to get quick success that never gonna happen, and that should be avoided by every newbie writer.
Point #1: Don’t Chase Followers
Followers are just a numbers game.
You better know what I'm saying about “ the 100 followers challenge” every beginner writer does this to get their first 100 followers. This is the worst thing you ever do (if you haven't — good.)
Let me ask you — what you will do with your 100 followers?
Are they will make you rich the next morning?
Are they will engage with your content?
Are they will genuinely comment on your post?
Nothing is going to happen, Never….
Because you have followed them and they had followed you back just to show numbers on your profile they and you are nothing to do with this shitty 100 followers — Just for show off.
That's not how things work.
Don't chase followers focus on quality content and make your craft better as much as you can. if you have quality content in your library, people will follow you even if you don't tell them anything.
Point #2: Don’t Write Anything Without Research
Don't put things on your head like a donkey.
Write things you know about, that you have experienced, and share your thoughts.
- Don't talk about blockchain if you don't know.
- Don't talk about “how to cure diabetes” if you don't know.
- Don't talk about loans if you haven't experienced.
- Don't talk about bitcoin if you don't know.
If you want to talk about things that you don't know yet, first learn the things, understand the concept and then share with your audience — trust me they will share your post with others as well.
All I am saying is to write things that you know and have experienced,
If you write things about wrong information and teach them wrong knowledge, once readers will found your content misleading they will never come back to you to read your next post.
They will go forever and never come back.
Point #3: Stop Looking For Writing Hacks
How to become the next Stephen King in 30 days?
Want to become? Write for 30 years… That’s it.
That's the only thing you have to do in order to become the next Stephan king. there is no second option.
People want quick results without doing any hustles, do you know how long have been Stephen king writing for?
Almost 50 years.
Could you do that? If yes then no one can stop you to become the next Stephen King or even better than him.
Please stop looking for shortcuts, it's not gonna worked.
You have to have work in order to become a better writer, it takes time, effort, and consistency, more than you think.
The More You Write The Better Your Craft Will Be.
Point #4: Quality Over Quantity?
I prefer both... How?
You have to produce quality content with quantity. Is it possible?
Hell — possible.
At the beginning of your writing stage don't focus too much on quality, focus on quantity — build your library.
Practice Makes man Perfect
Do you know Nicolas Cole?
He does what I said above, he produces lots of content with quality as well as quantity.
No one will care about your grammar, your style, in the beginning, who knows you BTW?
Feel free to make mistakes.
Point #5: Don’t Work For Money
You're a beginner writer, no one would pay you for your shitty words. That's why you have to focus on your writing skill.
Although money is the by-product of your work, money is something that follows your work, your work decides how much money you could make.
If your work would be great then no one can stop you to make bucks in your pocket. Slowly but surely you will earn but it takes time and effort to achieve that mile.
Be Patient.
Writing is one of the best skills to learn, whether you are a student, employed, or businessman, it helps you communicate with others people.
No doubt, you can build a writing business too.
But keep in mind that writing is not a quick-rich scheme, it takes time to learn, required effort, constancy, and most importantly — Patience.
Keep writing.
Har Narayan — Signing Off.