India | India’s Ground Reality | Indian

India is Worse Than You Think

I love India but I need to tell the truth

Har Narayan
10 min readSep 22, 2024



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I’m an Indian exposing my country, India.

Yesterday I was lurking on YouTube, and after wasting 10 mins or so I came across a random vlog video from a guy. I was hooked because the video was all about Indian culture and the ground reality of India.

People helping a drunk guy get going

Watching that video felt brutal but forced me to write this article.

Why? Because what that guy showed in the video is 100% true. And to be frank, I like to tell and know the truth. So in this article, I want to take it one step further and show you where it gets brutal and disastrous.

And trust me India is way worse than you could ever imagine.

This doesn’t mean I hate India or something. Absolutely not. I love India, and I always will. But the thing is: You can’t deny the reality and truth, right? So accept that “It is what it is,” and live with it or change upon it.

