If It’s Too Long, It’s Useless
I have realized this!
I love this quote:
Whoever says the most stuff in the fewest words wins— Morgan Housel
About a month ago, I created the Medium Masterclass, it has two formats: ebook and consulting. The consulting is good because it’s condensed and easy to go through.
But the ebook? It has 120 pages. 120!…
And that’s the problem with written content. I can confidently say almost 90% of the people who have bought the ebook — will never finish it. Maybe they’d read a few chapters or half of the ebook and — done.
The reason? First — it’s an ebook, not a book. Second — it’s not short or a mini ebook, it’s freaking long. It’s certainly not easy to finish.
However, I know it has everything a writer needs to grow and make money on Medium. And I can confidently say — it can bring the desired results you want if you follow all the steps.
Not to mention, some people are getting results from it. You said “Some” So what about the rest? The rest 90% of the people? Glad you grabbed me there.
So the bigger question is: If people can’t complete reading it how the heck they can apply the steps and get the results? No chance, right?
To be honest, when I realized it — it directly punched in my gut.
When I was writing the Medium Masterclass ebook I intended to fill as many pages as possible (not fluff though) and make it longer — so I could increase its value.
The horrible mistake.
If I’m making the mistake in the first place, how the heck the prospect would get the results? For the prospect, to get results, the ebook has to be consumable. They need to finish it and apply the strategies to get the results.
This is how an ebook or any product succeeds in the market.
But since the ebook itself is already 120 pages long, people hardly complete all the chapters — let alone applying it and getting results.
Imagine this:
- Imagine reading a book with 1200 pages.
- Imagine reading a blog post that has 15,000 words.
- Imagine watching a podcast that is 12 hours long.
- Imagine listening to a song that is 45 minutes long.
They’ll 100% bore you, right?
Anything in excess decreases interest and the value. Especially in the written content. Why? Because written content isn’t always as enjoyable as watching videos. Medium matters.
So what’s the solution?
So now that I’ve realized it, here’s what I’m doing:
I’m rewriting everything from the stretch of the ebook. Everything — the content, the strategies, the modules — everything.
Everything will be short and easy to finish — so you can apply everything the moment you finish it and get the results ASAP.
And I’m only adding the most important modules — no extra ChaGPT module in the Medium Masterclass. Why? Some people like to use ChatGPT some people don’t. It’s subjective— and it’s not the subject in Medium Masterclass. Period.
And it’s not the main factor for you to grow and make money on Medium. It’s optional. It’s subjective.
However, I’ll cover the Chatgpt part too — but it’ll be in a separate file. Yes, a file — where there will be all the “Non-mandatory” materials available for you.
Not only that, I’m also creating a Video Course on this. Yup — video course. I’ve realized that some people don’t like reading ebooks, they also don’t like hopping on a call — they just want some easy material like a video course.
So the video course is for them.
And of course, the consulting will be always there. It’s what I enjoy doing.
So you’ll have 3 options for the Medium Masterclass:
- Ebook
- Video Course
- 1:1 Coaching
Sounds good?
So when I’m releasing this new Medium Masterclass 2.0?
To be honest, I don’t want to mess up this time, and want to give you the best of the best material for growing and making money on Medium.
If you’ve already bought the Medium Masterclass you know what secret sauce it has. This new version will be beyond that.
When I’m launching it? I’ll create everything this month and launch it on 1st January 2024. Yes, The New Year. Let me repeat…
The launch day: 1st January 2024.
Now, of course, you’re wondering about the price. Har, will it be expensive?
Certainly not. You can easily afford it. I promise you. You’ve my words.
I’m not a Medium guru who will sell you a course for $200 or $500.
Don’t worry it will be cheap.
What’s more, You’ll get so many other Premium Bonuses that I’ll talk about in tomorrow's story.
So stay tuned for that.