I Still Don’t Know…
The purpose of writing online
I believe I’m getting closer to understanding myself.
Ever since I started writing online, so many things have changed.
- Beliefs
- Mindset
- Life core values
- Thinking process
- The pursuit of happiness
Years ago, I was brainwashed by society. They told me that I should do “What we tell you to do.” It’s all the same boring things that they’ve been doing for years and decades.
And it was okay until I graduated from college.
When I started writing online — I got to know about myself, about life, and about the world. The world started to open and showed me a path of what truly possible is and what I should be doing in my life.
I come from an extremely bad atmosphere. I don’t like the people, I don’t like the way they act, I don’t like the things they do, I don’t like the way they see life.
They aren’t even aware of those things that I think about.
I’m more interested in finding my true curiosity and interest (not passion) and doing that for the rest of my life rather than chasing money and trying to become a millionaire. That’s not what I want.
And I think I have just come to mid of that journey. I’m designing and digging into that.
You enjoy every moment of your life when you enjoy the work you do.
You feel fulfilled in life when you find your life’s meaning and purpose. And remember it has nothing to do with money.
Money will help you achieve freedom and that freedom will help you understand life. That’s what I know. That’s what writing has taught me.
So yeah, you should be making money, because without money you’ll be stuck.
And the best way to make money is to find something you enjoy doing and do it for the rest of your life, not for months or years.
There is no point in ghostwriting or doing email marketing services just because you have to pay your bills even if you’re not enjoying the process.
This is a terrible way to approach life. This is not what life is about.
And listen, what I’m saying is purely from my own experience. I didn’t read any of these things online or somewhere on the internet and telling you here. Nope.
But I’m not someone who’s achieved everything in life. Certainly not. I believe each person has a different rule, meaning, and purpose in life. But that’s OK.
If it were same for the all human beings, humans would be miserable.
But we as humans, should continuously evolve and make progress. A stable life is a boring life. You need ups and downs, happiness and sadness, problems and challenges in life. That’s what makes a life worth living.
You need meaning, purpose, and your “Artwork” in life.
And this is what I’ve been thinking a lot about lately.
To be honest…
- I still don’t know what’s the purpose of my life.
- I still don’t know what’s the meaning of my life.
- I still don’t know what’s the “Artwork” of my life.
But one day, I will.