I Did Everything Opposite To Get 5,000+ Followers On Medium
Can you get Medium followers by doing the opposite?
Medium Gurus have brainwashed you!
To be honest, there’s a lot of BS advice on “How to grow & make money on Medium.” You should do this. You should do that. If you don’t, you won’t grow.
Shut up!
I broke all the rules your Medium gurus have “created” and still managed to get 5,000+ followers and earned my first $1,000 without Medium Partner Program.
I did everything opposite to grow and make money on Medium. And guess what? It worked. Well, it still works. And will work forever.
So buckle up because I’m going to show you what are the things I did differently that got me “10x Better” results than Medium gurus.
Ready? Great. Let’s start:
1. Multiple Niches
Writing in one niche means leaving followers on the table — Medium Gurus.
Ask any Medium Guru and they’ll tell you to write about at least 5–10 different topics. The reason? Here you go:
“Oh, if you write only about one topic, you lose all the mass audience, and you’ll have a hard time growing on Medium.” Thus you need to write about multiple topics.”
Don’t listen. They’re lying.
I took the opposite direction and went all-in on “Writing.” And it worked. Now you might be thinking, “There’s already a lot of writing advice on the internet, so how did this work for you?”
- First, we need to be reminded more than we need to be taught.
- Second, most of the writing advice is full of nonsense. But if you check mine, you’ll find some gold nuggets.
That’s why it worked.
The point you should understand: Your content has to be unique and interesting if you want to grow.
2. Publications
This is a most controversial topic on Medium.
I never published a single story of mine in publications. Call it an attitude or whatever, but this is who I am. I don’t like the way publications operate.
But my friend, you’re brainwashed.
Your gurus have told you that you need to publish your stories in publications to grow. If you don’t, you won’t grow. This is what they’ve told you, right?
The other day, I read one of the Medium gurus’ advice on how to grow on Medium, and the first thing she said “So the first step to grow on Medium is to apply for publications to submit your articles to.”
What? This is ridiculous.
If that were the case, I wouldn’t have 5,000 followers now.
Self-publishing works!
3. Quality Over Quantity
Most Medium gurus are afraid of publishing more.
The reason? They think that if “We publish too often, it’ll bore and overwhelm the readers.”
Really? I don’t understand what’s the logic here.
Are you saying you have dummy followers who don’t care “What you have to say”? Or are you saying, “I have no fans, just followers who don’t give a damn about my stories”? I mean, what?
Let me be extremely clear here:
If you’re building an audience, build it the right way. If you’re trying to build it the wrong way, of course, your readers won’t read your stories.
But true fans, the followers who follow you because they believe you have interesting things to say, will read your every post despite you posting once a day.
I publish at least once a day and still get the same results as someone who publishes once a week.
You know what? It’s all about CONTENT that matters.
4. Manufactured Engagement
So many writers try to manipulate the platform.
There are so many writers who spend hours, I mean HOURS, commenting on other people’s posts. Why? So they can apply the “Reciprocity Bias.”
Let me explain what it is…
When someone does something for you, you tend to give it back to the person. Human Nature 101.
So these Medium Gurus think, “If I comment 100 times a day, I’ll at least get 50 back.”
And that’s how they get engagement on their posts. That’s how they make money through the Medium Partner Program.
These Medium gurus have no “genuine readers.” They rely on 50 other fellow creators and manipulate the platform.
Good for them!
I never did such things. Even I barely engage with anyone here. Not because I don’t want to, but because people are saying the same stuff in different ways that I already know.
Thus I only engage with my favorite writers.
If you want to make fellow creators — engage genuinely.
You don’t need to comment 100 times a day to grow on Medium.
5. Medium Partner Program
Money is motivation, right?
Well, it shouldn’t be, because if money is your motivation and that’s why you write online, then it won’t last long. The primary focus of writing shouldn’t be to make money but to enjoy the writing itself.
People think the best way to make money on Medium is to join its Partner Program. I agree.
But guess what?
I don’t have the privilege of joining the Partner Program. It’s not available in my country. It sucks, and that’s okay.
Despite all the consequences, I still managed to make my first $1,000 on Medium without Partner Program.
Three ways I make money on Medium:
- Ebooks
- Consulting
- Brand sponsorship
Your Medium gurus, on the other hand, solely rely on the Partner Program. Recently, they saw a sudden drop in their earnings, and they shit in their paint.
They started screaming, criticizing the platform, writing open letters, warning the platform, threatening to leave the platform, and calling Tony Stubblebine dumb.
These are the signs of your Medium Gurus. You see.
You might find this story a little bit odd but that’s OKAY.
If you want to get more Medium followers, check out his post: