How To Grow And Make Money On Medium In 2024

Can you trust me? Let’s find out!

Har Narayan
16 min readOct 16, 2023
I believe in authenticity and transparency. Do you?

To be honest, I’ll sell you something in this story, so if you don’t wanna be sold, please don’t read it. Precisely, I’m going to make you an offer for a few bucks that’ll help you get the desired result you want. And I’ll try to make it so irresistible that you’d be a darned fool not to do it. Get instant access.

80 Times!

Up to this point, I’ve written 250 Medium stories, and 80 have gone viral (semi + mega viral). The average hit rate for Medium writers is around 5–15%. But do you know how much mine is? 32%!

Hard to believe, right?

Let’s not just take my word for it. See what this Medium writer says:

Oh, wait! He didn’t stop there:

Then he crossed 200 followers on Medium:

But now it’s been close to 5 months and everything has changed for Anul. Now he has over 2,800 followers on Medium. And I don’t take it for granted!

Do you see?

This guy literally went from a complete beginner writer to gaining more than 2,800 followers in ~130 days on Medium. And to get the results, all he did was just follow the advice I shared. So if he can make it work, there is no reason why you can’t too.

Do you agree?

One more example. See what Michael says:

And these are just the tip of the iceberg! I have countless stories like these. If you want to see them all, scroll down this story and read the testimonials.

Now the question is: Do you want to get the same result? Yea? So buckle up!

You’re about to learn the exact strategy, tactics, and framework I use to grow my Medium account from 0 to 6,000+ followers WITHOUT publishing a single story in publications.

The lesson? You can absolutely grow on Medium in 2024 without publishing your stories in publications.

What’s more, I didn’t just get 6,000+ followers but also managed to make over $2,000 on Medium WITHOUT joining the Medium Partner Program.

The lesson? You can absolutely make money writing on Medium in 2024 without joining the Medium Partner Program. If you already have joined the Partner Program, Congrats! Double win.

Hold on!

Can I guess your mind for a second?

You might be wondering and questioning:

“How the heck did this guy do all this? 32% hit rate? 6,000+ followers without publications? $2,000+ without joining the Medium Partner Program? Are you kidding me or just lying?!”

I get it. These results are hard to believe. Because:

  • One: Almost all writers rely on publications to grow on Medium.
  • Two: Most writers rely on the Partner Program to make money on Medium.

But guess what? I don’t do any of them to Grow and Make money on Medium — and still manage to get better results. Also, I don’t do any client work. I’m not a freelancer or anything.

I made all that money just from my own income streams!

But to get these types of results, the fundamental & core principles should be clear. Because without understanding the core principles, you won’t be able to get the results you want. And this is why:

You Need To Understand These Six Fundamental Concepts To Grow And Make Money On Medium:

  • The Niche Writing Factor
  • The Mechanism Of Medium Algorithm
  • The Thought Process Of Readers’ Thinking
  • The Mechanism Of Flopped And Viral Story
  • The Psychology And Anatomy Of A Medium Story
  • The Art And Business Of Monetizing Your Medium Work

If you can nail these six concepts, you’ll get the views you want, you’ll get the followers you want, and you’ll make the money you want.

But the problem is most writers miss the foundation & fundamentals and wonder why they’re not making any process and getting any results.

Are you one of them? You shouldn’t be!

Not to mention, the tactics and strategies that used to work in 2023 — don’t work anymore. Things have changed a lot on Medium. You need new, proven strategies and tactics to grow and make money on Medium in 2024.

That being said,

Now this is personally for you:

Do Any Of These Sound Relatable To You?:

  • Are you confused and don’t know what to write about?
  • Are you stuck and still don’t know what your niche is?
  • Do you feel like your stories aren’t getting enough views?
  • Do you feel like you still don’t know how to create “Great headlines?”
  • Do you struggle to publish Medium stories daily or weekly?
  • Do you often get trapped by writer’s block and get done nothing?
  • Do you struggle to monetize your Medium writing or audience?
  • And lastly, you have tried everything but nothing seems to work for you?

Do any of these sounds relatable to you? If yes, I’ll not only solve that particular problem but also show you all the strategies, tactics, and frameworks that’ll help you Grow and Make money on Medium WITHOUT:

  • Commenting 100+ times a day.
  • Following thousands of accounts.
  • Publishing your stories in publications.
  • Joining the Medium Partner Program.
  • Having prior writing experience or expertise.

Sounds good?

So the next logical question you may ask is:

Do you have any proof or results that support your competency and guarantee that what you’re bragging about is proven to work?

Great question!

Now I want to shut up and let my work prove my competence and show you the results of my Medium work so you can believe what I’m preaching about is — what I already have done myself.

Here you go:

Claps, not views. And the responses/comments?🤯

As Medium says: High read ratio = more $$

It’s just 16 October I’m publishing this story, and already have gotten 600 followers along with 51 unread notifications lol. Crazy!

Enough? I think that’s enough to prove my competence (Send me an email if you want more.)

I’ve got all these results because I took the time to understand the Medium Writing Game.

Now you may think: “Okay, it worked for you, what’s the guarantee that your “Tactics and Strategies” Will also work for me?”

Yup. You’re right, anyone can brag about the results they’ve gotten for themselves. But it’s hard to bring the same results for other people. So it doesn’t matter what I’ve done for myself. What does matter is, have I gotten the same results for others?

And the answer is: Yes, I did.

It works for anyone as long as they do the work I tell them to do. And for this reason, I strongly believe:

“Your work becomes proven when you bring the same results for other people.”

So here are the writers who have gotten results and their feedback:

1. Lorna Dolan: Went From 0 To 1,400+ Followers On Medium

See What She Has To Say:

2. Ionutz Kazaku: Went From 500 To 3,100+ Followers On Medium

See What He Has To Say:

3. Oscar Soto: Went From 300 To 2,100+ Followers On Medium

See What He Has To Say:

4. Sagrika Oberoi: Went From 400 To 2,700+ Followers On Medium

See What She Has To Say:

5. Dorcas Jemutai: Went From 0 To 700+ Followers On Medium

See What She Has To Say:

Some Other Students’ Positive feedback:

A Few More Positive Words:

Do you see?

It’s proven that what I teach you — will work for you as well. You just have to do the work I tell you to do. That’s it.

Doesn’t matter who you are, where you live, or what you do — the strategies I’ll show you will also work for you. You have my word!

So, What’s The Offer?

Introducing The eBook…

Medium Masterclass

Do everything differently to grow and make money on medium in 2024. The ONLY ebook that contains proven tactics, frameworks, and strategies to help you grow fast & make money on Medium in 2024.

Medium Masterclass ebook will singlehandedly help you stand out from the crowd and level up your growth and progress on Medium in 2024.

Just like I and other students did.

Ebook Details:

  • 135 Pages.
  • 20 Chapters.
  • 25,000+ Words.
  • 5–13 Hours Reading Time.

But then you say: Okay, I get it, and this sounds interesting!

But what am I actually gonna get inside your ebook? Like, how many modules or chapters does it have, and most importantly what topics will you cover in the Medium Masterclass ebook?

That’s a fair question to ask though!

Here’s What You Get Inside The Ebook (20 Chapters):

Introduction: I tell you the three most important things before you dive into the chapters.

  1. Medium 101: This is the first chapter walking you through the basics of Medium. In this chapter, you’ll learn so many important points like: The Story's Life Span. Medium Terminologies. And some of the most Important Facts to keep in mind.
  2. Medium Writers’ Mindset: Building a foundation is so, so important to succeed on Medium. This is why in this chapter, you learn about how successful writers behave in the way they do. Meaning, the strong mindset behind their Medium success.
  3. Profile Engineering: In this chapter, you learn to design your Medium profile to get maximum exposure on Medium. You also learn the Psychology behind why people don’t follow you and what to do to make them follow you without hurting your brand.
  4. Category Innovation: If you write about multiple topics, you’ll have a hard time growing and monetizing your audience. So in this chapter, you learn how to find your favorite “One Core niche” by applying my proven approach: the 90-Day Straight Trilogy. A must-read chapter!
  5. Medium’s Algorithm: You can’t drive a car without knowing how actually the car works. Makes sense? So, let me ask you: Do you know how the Medium algorithm works? Probably you don’t. This is why the foundation should be strong enough to grow on Medium. So, this is exactly what I cover in this chapter so you can trick the Medium Algorithm to your favor.
  6. Story mechanism: In this chapter, you learn how one story Flops and another goes Viral on Medium. Once you understand the Medium Algorithm, it gets a lot easier for you to understand why one story flops and another goes viral, so you can only write stories that go viral!
  7. Medium Growth Hijacking: In this chapter, I discuss how Medium Algorithm favors the “Niche accounts.” And why writing only about ONE niche is the best way to succeed on Medium. You also learn how “Nicheless accounts” struggle to get views and engagement on Medium.
  8. Content Assembly Line: This is probably the most important chapter of the E-book. In this chapter, I teach you A-Z about Medium Story Writing. You’ll learn the Psychology and Anatomy of a Compelling Medium story. #1: The Story Psychology has 3 sub-chapters: the WIIFM Concept. Emotion Drivers. NSB “Story” Concept. #2: The Story Anatomy has 10 sub-chapters: The North Star. The Trailer. The Hook. The Slippery Slope. Curiosity Gap. Links. CTAs. SEO. Skeleton. Publishing.
  9. Persuasive Writing: In this chapter, you learn to improve your writing so your Medium stories become more compelling. I’ll show you the 10 writing strategies that you can use to make your writing more compelling and persuasive.
  10. Angle Framework: Let’s be honest, you don’t need too many ideas to write stories consistently. What you really need is Angles. These Angles help you write and publish more stories without having too many ideas. I show you how you do it in this exact chapter.
  11. Story Creation process: How do you write a story from start to end? You may not know the right method of doing it. If yes, this chapter helps you write your Medium stories in a way that gets views — while you having so much fun writing the story.
  12. ChatGPT Crash Course: In this chapter, I teach you how to use ChatGPT to write better And faster Medium stories. It has 3 sub-chapters: #1: ChatGPT to brainstorm Headline Ideas. #2: Outline Medium Stories. #3: Edit Medium Stories. If you know how to use ChatGPT effectively, it not only saves you a ton of time but also you’ll increase the quality of stories — while publishing once or twice a day. Yup. One or twice a day!
  13. Publication Game: In this chapter, I walk you through some of the brutal and harsh truths about Medium publications — why they don’t matter. And what to do instead.
  14. Writers’ Challengers: There are so many common problems writers face. For instance: Getting Started. Imposter Syndrome. Procrastination. Distraction. Criticism. Feeling Stuck. Daily Writing Habit. Time Management. I discuss all of them in this exact chapter.
  15. Medium Painkillers: You may not recognize it, but maybe you’re making some stupid mistake that most people make on Medium. The horrible one. So in this chapter, I show you some of the mistakes that you should never make on Medium.
  16. Essential Writing Tools: You want to use Tools as a Medium writer. They’re the robot that works for you 24/7/365. So in this chapter, I give you the 10 most important tools that you should not ignore as a writer.
  17. 30 Viral Medium Stories: Getting the right information is important, but what’s more important is: implementing it practically. So in this chapter, I give you the 30 ready-to-analyze stories that you should learn from.
  18. 70 Plug and Play — Proven Headline Formats: I know you’re going to have problems creating your headlines. This is why I came up with 70 ready-to-use headlines that you can just put in your headline section and write stories about!
  19. Distribution Models: In this chapter, I teach you the right way of networking with other fellow writers and building relationships with your audience on Medium. This is one of the most important chapters!
  20. Monetization Methods: In this chapter, I teach you the 8 best and easiest ways to monetize your work on Medium. So you can make money on Medium without joining the Medium Partner Program. If you already have joined the Partner Program, that’s the cherry on top!

What’s Next: Winding up and what should be the next logical step you should take after reading the ebook.

I know that’s a lot. But you know what? It’s all worth it, my friend.

It took me more than a year to understand these same concepts and strategies, and hours to create the ebook for you. So my promise?

I promise you’re gonna love it.

This one thing always makes me wonder: It’s flabbergast and at the same time so beautiful that we can get access to someone’s years’ worth of knowledge, experience, and wisdom in almost no time for just a small fair price. Isn’t it beautiful?

Okay, let’s come to the point.

So, Who Is This Medium Masterclass For?

This ebook is for anyone looking to grow and build their brand on Medium so they can make money writing about what they love.

Doesn’t matter who you are: A busy mom, student, doctor, freelancer, engineer, developer, or lawyer, the ebook can help you achieve the results you want.

And since you’re already reading this story till this point, the ebook is specially created for you.

Next, How Much Does The Ebook Cost?

Let’s be clear, I’m not going to get rich or become a millionaire by providing this ebook to you.

I do this because I enjoy teaching others what I know, and it makes me feel like I’m doing a great job of helping the Medium community, writers, and other people. And this way, I also earn some money that helps me cover my day-to-day bills. That’s it.

Now let’s talk about pricing.

So can you guess the ebook’s price?







Nope. We are not even close!


Yes, you’re getting closer!


One more…?

One more…?

“Har, just tell me the price, I can’t wait…” you said.

Okay, let me tell you the price:

$12.99 only.

I don’t know how I chose this price. But to be honest, I don’t wanna rob you by asking $199 for the ebook. If I can help you with this small investment, it’d be way more meaningful to me :)

I know many people on Medium are selling their courses and services for $199, $399, or even more and do a terrible job teaching and delivering results. What’s worse, they don’t even offer refunds.

Ridiculous, right? So here’s more from me:

Your Money Is Secure!

I’m not gonna steal your money. I’m not gonna scam you. So don’t worry you’re not taking any risk. If you don’t get the promising results from the ebook — You get a full refund.

100% Money Back Guarantee!


Question 1: Should I buy the ebook even if I’m not eligible for the Medium Partner Program?

Answer: I think you should. Why? Because Medium plans to launch its Partner Program in more countries including India, Brazil, and Thailand in 2024. But even if they don’t launch, you can make money without MPP, just like I do. I’ll teach you inside.

Question 2: Instead of buying the ebook, should I just go through and dig all your stories and apply all the knowledge to get results?

Answer: I’m pretty sure, if you read all my Medium stories, and apply all the things I’ve said in them, you’ll get results. But the problem is: I’ve written 250+ Medium stories. So to get the right information for the exact thing you’re looking for — will take you so much time and energy. To solve this problem, I’ve created the Medium Masterclass ebook. The ebook is condensed, concise, and only teaches you the things you need to know to get results on Medium. Hopefully, you get the point.

Question 3: Is the information up-to-date in the Medium Masterclass ebook?

Answer: I’ve been refining the Medium strategies and tactics for more than a year now. And it’s not the first version of Medium Masterclass. I’ve iterated it so many times and I believe it’s the most up-to-date information you can get.

Question 4: Will it work for any topic, what about fiction?

Answer: Yes. The tactics and strategies Medium Masterclass covers work for any topic you can think of. The only exception is it’s not for fiction writing.

Question 5: Was there a 1:1 Coaching option as people said in your testimonials?

Answer: Yes, you’re right. There was a 1:1 coaching option when I first launched the Medium Masterclass. But due to my time management problems and personal preference, it’s no longer available. I’m so sorry you missed it.

Question 6: Most Medium Gurus sell their products and courses for $199, $299, and $499, but yours is just $12.99, what’s the reason?

Answer: Yes, I’m aware of it. And maybe I could also charge like $49 or $99. But I won’t do it. Two reasons for this: First, most people can’t afford those products and courses. Second: Those products and courses actually aren’t worth your money. And for this reason, I’ve tried to keep my ebook as cheap as possible so you can easily give it a shot, and hopefully work hard enough to get results.

Question 7: Is there any refund?

Answer: Your money is secure. If you don’t get any results implementing the frameworks and strategies this ebook teaches, just email me and I’ll refund your money. No questions asked.

Question 8: Do you support payments in UPI for Indians?

Answer: Yes, I do. If you’re from India, you can absolutely pay me through UPI or using native apps like PhonePe, Paytm, or Google Pay. Sounds good? Just copy the below email address and send me an email to get the ebook.

Question 9: What would be the next step once I make the payment?

Answer: Once you make the payment, you instantly get (within 5 seconds) access to the Medium Masterclass ebook. I’ll also send you one copy of the Medium Masterclass ebook to your email address.

Question 10: Where should I contact you for questions or queries?

Answer: If you’ve got any questions or queries, you can email me at:

I wish someone had given this ebook to me when I first started writing on Medium in 2022. Poor Har ;)

If you think it’s a good deal, here you go:

Get The Medium Masterclass Ebook Here



Har Narayan

Medium Growth Writer | Helping you create Medium stories that go viral, attract followers, and make money | Here :