How To Find Your Writing Niche — A Step By Step Guide
Especially For Newbie Writers
Let me tell you —
Your niche determines your growth.
But, finding a niche or category is very challenging when it comes to creating something from scratch. All newbie writers face this struggle in their initial stage, so don't worry. You’re not someone special. It happens to everyone.
Your niche will be a topic, a category, a subject that you have experience in, knowledge about, or passionate about. A niche can be broad such as marketing, health, and relationship, but you will have to narrow down your niche.
I’ll show you how! But before,
- How did I become top writer in writing?
- How do I get 700–1,000 views per day without publishing content on Medium publications? (In a very short period of time, where most writers struggle with their view count)
- How did my Medium profile become one of the fastest-growing accounts on the platform?
- How did I grow my Medium account from 0 to 1,000 followers in less than 90 days?
- Why do people engage with my content?
All Because of my “Focal category ”, I don’t write about 10 different topics. I only write about writing tactics and audience growth which are correlated.
That’s where you beat the online writing game.
So what’s the solution?
The Solution is my new Ebook. An ebook called “Category Innovation” where you will learn, how to find your own niche in a practical way within 100 days, as well as how to stand out in the crowded niche.
Who I am And Why “Category Innovation” Strategy Works
As might you know I’m a top writer on writing. I write about writing tactics and audience growth.
I started writing on Medium in “March” and grew my following from 0 to 1,000 followers in less than 90 days. I’m one of the fastest-growing writers on the platform.
Category innovation strategy works, I’m the proof of that. When I started my writing journey, I had no one who guides me on how I could find my own category. That’s when I built my own strategy.
Get Your Category Innovation Ebook — FREE.
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Keep Writing.