How I Publish 1–2 Medium Stories Every Day Without Getting Exhausted

Want to write every single day? Read this

Har Narayan
6 min readOct 12, 2023

Building a daily writing habit is hard.

Are you someone who reads and consumes a lot of content but when it comes to writing you become paralyzed?

If this is you, I’ve got great news for you.

Well, stick around and I’ll show you how I write and publish 1–2 Medium stories (not counting emails, etc) every. Single. Day. Some stories contain 500 words, while others 2,000.

Doesn’t matter how many words your Medium stories contain — Your job is to get the writing done.

And if done right, daily writing can be a part of your day-to-day life. Once you build a “Writing Habit” — you’ll get addicted to it. And then you won’t feel good the day you miss writing a word. Like I feel it every now and then.

In this story, you might also find some of the points counter-intuitive — but that’s okay. Because I’ll also show you how you can manage those situations too.

So are you ready? Let’s go:

1. Writing Process

Are you really enjoying the writing process?

Let me tell you the truth: You can’t write every day if you don’t enjoy the process of writing. So simple. It’s not your day job that you can do despite hating it.

Writing is something different.

Trust me. It’s almost impossible for you to write and publish something new every single day if you don’t enjoy the writing process.

Call me whatever but this is the truth.

I’m able to write and publish every day because I love writing. I enjoy the process of writing. It’s something I can do for the rest of my life.

Writing is self-love.

Now you might ask “So Har, how I can enjoy the writing process?” Good question, my friend.

And this question leads you to the next point.

2. Know Your Subject

Maybe you’ve chosen the wrong subject.

One of the main reasons you don’t enjoy your writing process is that you’ve selected the wrong subject that you aren’t interested in. Seriously!

Similarly, If you ask me to write about cryptocurrency — I’d simply shit in my paint. Why Because I don’t have any interest in cryptocurrency.

If you’re a writer doesn’t mean you can write about ANYTHING. You’re a writer because you have expertise in a particular domain.

And that’s what we are talking about here.

Find the subject or niche you enjoy creating content on.

  • Love guitar? Great, write about guitar.
  • Love music? Great, write about music.
  • Love animals? Great, write about animals.

In order for you to write daily, you have to find your interest-based niche.

Now you might ask: “I don’t know what I’m really interested in.”

Great, this is your chance. Look around, see what you do on a day to day life. See what you enjoy doing. Just observe and you’ll find it.

It’s not that hard.

3. The Ideation Game

“Oh, but I don’t have any ideas to write about.”

This is the simplest excuse any writer can give you. As I often get asked “How do I find ideas to write about? How do you write so frequently? What’s your secret of daily writing?” And I answer…

You don’t need too many ideas to write.

What you really need is — Angles.

Once you understand your niche and the topic you’re interested in — you just have to find angles within your niche. And when I say angles, I mean Tips, how-to, methods, lessons, mistakes, ways, reason, etc.

Let me show you an example of how I turn one topic “Writing” into multiple Medium stories.

See this:

The topic is the same but I just change the angles every time I write a new story. And this is the reason I don’t need to worry about “Many ideas.”

Well, like this one, I’ve more than 30+ angles. So if write 10 Medium stories in each angle I’ll have 365 days worth of Medium stories.


I’m able to write and publish every day because I have “Too many Angles” to write about.

This is the way.

4. Find Your Sweet Spot

Test test and test.

If something works for me — doesn’t mean it will work for you. If I write only in the morning doesn’t mean you should also write in the morning.

So many writers advise you: Hey, write in the morning if you want to get more done. Hey, write in the afternoon to feel better. Hey, write at night to make your writing more productive, etc. Etc.

Don’t listen.

Here’s what you have to do: You have to test out your writing time by writing in different time frames. How? Here you go:

Try writing in the morning — Didn’t like it? Great, try writing in the afternoon — didn’t feel productive? Great, try writing at night — love it? Great that’s the point. You got it.

The point is: find the time you enjoy writing. If you feel way more productive and creative writing at night, just do and stick around it.

I personally like to write in the morning, because in the morning I feel most productive. But it doesn’t have to be the same for you.

So find your sweet spot!

5. The Writer’s Mindset

You need some writer’s mindset.

Most writers think if they’d write more they’ll run out of ideas. No, you don’t. But the opposite is true. When you write and write more, you get more ideas flowing in your mind. Is that ever happened to you?

Take today for example, today I already have finished one article that contains 1100 words and now I’m writing this post which is almost 1200+ words.

So if that was true, I wouldn’t have been able to write this post. Didn’t I?

You need to understand this: The more you write, the more you write.

A few more things:

Use noise-cancellation headphones if you often get distracted by noise or background sound. Find a quiet place or lock your room. Turn off all the notifications. Throw your phone into the toilet. Say goodbye to your loved ones for the next 3 hours— and start writing.

Work like magic!

6. Drink A lot of Water

I’m not sure about the exercises. But water? Pretty sure!

keep a water bottle when you sit down to write. Not because you have to drink forcefully, but to keep your momentum going. When you drink enough water it serves your brain and produces more energy for you.

It not only helps you stay hydrated but you also fulfill the water intake.

Here’s the fact: when you’re dehydrated you start to lose your creativity, you struggle to recall things, and your mental performance goes through the surface.

Drink enough water.

7. Take Responsibilities

You have to be accountable for your writing.

I’m able to write and publish every day because I take responsibility for doing the things that I am supposed to do. I have built this accountability or responsibility partnership with me.

I tell myself every day: No matter what I need to write and publish something new today.

And as might you know: “As you think, so shall you become.”

And it works for me. So if you really want to write and publish daily — take responsibility. It’s okay if you miss sometimes but try not to miss multiple times in a row.

Because if you do so, you’ll lose your momentum and everything will shut down after that.

If you want to gain followers on Medium read this post:



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