Exposing My Medium Stats — Unexpected Results

My medium stats blew away my mind — Money?

Har Narayan
5 min readMay 18, 2022
Photo by AlphaTradeZone: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-in-white-dress-shirt-holding-tablet-5831356/

I was surprised….

What does it cost to grow on Medium? maybe — hard work, consistency, patience, and mindset.

But, it's hard to get views (A major factor of growth) on medium when you’re new to the platform and you have just written your few drafts.

But as you grow, your medium stats grow, and your audience/following grows. The same thing happened to me in the last few days. I’m getting good (satisfied views) views on a day-to-day basis.

But Why Am I Telling You This All?

Because you all are my loyal audience and I want to be very transparent with you. Thus today in this post I’ll show you everything about my medium stats, my following, my views, my read ratio, my fans, email subscribers, and also Money. (the juicy part)

Look at my Medium stats, learn from them, and apply them to yours.

So, let's talk about everything step by step.

Look At My Medium Stats First

the screenshot was taken by the author

for the last couple of days, my medium stats having on the MOON. (per day 600 -1,000+ views) My some posts went viral (not too much) which helped me to get some traction on the platform.

For me! this is too many views because neither I’m a top writer on the platform nor I am an expert in the writing. I’m a writer like you.


Everyone starts from zero.

I also started from zero, I also had zero followers when I started writing on the platform about months ago. from nothing to till now I've gained 800+ followers to date.

Here I've surpassed so many fellow writers, as most writers struggle to get views and when they don't get views they don't gain followers also. I never thought that I would get this massive following of people in this very short period of time.

My Hard Work, Consistency, And patience Paid Me Off.


In the initial stage, I was getting 20 to 40 views per day but as my content library increased I was getting 100 to 200 views per day, which was more than enough for a writer who has just started his journey on Medium. Now I get 500 to 1k views per day which is good enough for traction.

The overall content views are 13,553 so far in the last 30 days only. (maybe it is enough views to make good money🤑 — let's see)


In 13,553 views, the actual reader number is 6,796, which is pretty decent. It will be your always half or less of your total views because your every viewer not going to read your post, some of them leave and skimp the post.


Don't get confused, the fan is basically your clapper, who has clapped on your posts, whoever reads your post if they love your content they clap on your post and it is called — fans, the number of my fans is 1202. — awesome.

Average Read Ratio

the screenshot was taken by the author

Let’s understand the read ratio with examples — suppose, you get 2 views on your post and on 2 of them 1 clicked to read the post, so basically your read ratio will be 50%. And if both of them will click on the post and read the post then it will be 100% read ratio.

I think you got my point?….

My read ratio plays around 40% — 50%, sometimes it gets lower sometimes it gets higher but on average my ratio is around 40% — 50% (max 60%) which is amazing. (thanks for that folks)

Few Top writers fail to get a higher read ratio, as I've seen so many writers get 20% — 30% of read ratio, which is too bad.

Email Subscribers

the screenshot was taken by the author

Now come to the email, as you can see on my screenshot I've got 30 emails to date, when I started writing on medium in march I got 3 emails, and the next month 2 emails. But this month going great that I've got 25 emails yet and still months remain to end. So I can expect some more emails from this month maybe 20 to 30 emails more. let's see how it goes.


the screenshot was taken by the author

And, and, and the biggest motivation — MONEY.

How much much money did I make with these stats?

As may some of you know that I'm from India and MPP is not available in my country yet so I made —

Zero Dollar

Yes, I did make nothing, and without making money from your work seems hard to the work, and sometimes I feel frustrated.

But I paid nothing from the Medium.

Although MPP is not the only way to make money on the platform, there are so many options that are unlocked for writers who are unable to join MPP. Medium is my online resume


As far I know, my mostly readers are beginner writers, so to help them I'm planning to make some ebooks for the audience. And I have also decided to make an ultimate guide for medium writers for those who have just started on the medium and struggling to get views and following, also I will provide the service — I'm on the way.

Learnings — Don’t lose hope, keep writing.

And if you want to work with me or love to learn from me from the feel free to contact me on LinkedIn — https://www.linkedin.com/in/har-narayan/

Grab my future posts direct to your email box without opening the Medium by Clicking Here and save your precious time.

Keep Writing.



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