Business And Tech Updates

My two cents

Har Narayan
2 min readApr 8, 2024
Photo by Brian McGowan on Unsplash

The worst thing you could do is to consume political news.

You’ve literally zero benefits from knowing which party is doing what. Because most of the time, everything is manipulated and programmed. If you’re watching, reading, or listening to political news, you’re the only targeted product of their agenda.

And that’s just one reason why I never consume political news.

Business and Tech news, on the other hand, has benefits. It’s good to know when OpenAI launched its ChatGPT-4 or Dall-E or Sora. So you can use it and take advantage of it.

It’s good to know that Google changed its AI, Bard to Genimi and did a horrible thing in the tech industry, ever, by manipulating its software. And that is why you could say “It’s terrible, I’ll never going to use Genimi.”

Business and Tech news has its advantages, especially if you are a writer and run any sort of online business. It’s your job to keep yourself updated with what’s going on in the “Internet Market.”

But don’t catch up too much in this space too, just get enough updates about the important things only. There is no need for you to know that a new AI company has been launched by these two German boys from their mom's basement, or whether Google has lost 1 billion this month or 10 billion the previous month.

They won’t matter.

The reason I’m saying why you should not consume too much news about business or tech too, is because if you do so, you’re having trouble doing your own work and what really matters to you.

Assuming that you should consume everything related to business and tech news is a disease that you need to overcome. A dangerous disease!

Instead of consistently consuming trending tech news, focus on analysis, and depth about a business, company, or incorporation. This will give you more information about a business than the news will ever do.

The balance is important, I guess!



Har Narayan

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