Dear Beginner Writer Avoid Making These 7 Shady Mistakes
If You Want To Be A Great Writer Avoid Making These Mistakes
If you have clicked on this post. I’m assuming that you’re a beginner or an intermediate writer. (Agree?)
Making mistakes is ok, but if you make the same mistakes thousand times then you’re not going to become the next James Patterson or Stephen King.
Everyone starts from zero.
So, it’s obvious to make mistakes but if you avoid making these mistakes it will help you a lot to become a better writer in less period of time.
And If you want to become a better writer plus want more traction on the platform, so please avoid making these mistakes.
Let’s start —
Mistake #1: Solve Too Many Problems In One Post
Your post should solve one specific problem at a time.
Don't try to solve too many problems in one post. If you solve too many problems in one post you basically differentiate your audience and ultimately confuse them.
A reader comes for their specific questions or for problems, and it’s your duty to solve that only one problem in the post.
Solving too many problems is also a cause of confusion.
Mistake #2: Scattered Formatting
Your post should be well formatted.
But every beginner writers make these mistakes, they never try to format their post in a good structure. This causes them low read ratio and they lose their audience at the first glance.
Formatting is something in which you structure the post in proper phrases, fewer sentences, and paragraphs.
It helps the reader to stick with your article till the end.
Mistake #3: Headline Sucks
Practice making 5 to 10 headlines per day.
If you’re a beginner writer you really need to understand how and what type of headlines work well.
If you write any type of headline without a hook, without emotional words, without giving the hint about the post, nobody would click on the post. Because the readers only click on your content once they find your headline attractive and valuable.
The headline is your first priority to grab the reader’s attention.
Mistake #4: Make Mistakes In Intro
Never try to start a post with a long-form paragraph.
Start with a hook, ask questions, and open with a strong point. Your intro is important, if you lose the reader’s attention in the intro, they will never read the next line.
Tiny changes remarkable results.
Mistake #5: Attach Too Many Links
I've seen writers add too many links in their medium posts.
This is the worst mistake you can do. Because nobody wants to read an annoying linky post.
Your post should be valuable and informative, not full of links. Make your post clear with the flow. Don’t try to distract them while they are reading your content, let them read it till the end.
Think about it.
Mistake #6: Write Before Research
Before you write anything.
Do some research, and collects some proof. Without knowing the topic you can’t and you shouldn't write about the subject. Or you have to have knowledge or experience about the topic that you’re going to write about.
But most beginner writers make this mistake, they don’t do proper research before they publish the content.
My dear writer, don’t do this.
Mistake #7: Don’t Read Draft Aloud
99% beginner writers don't do this.
This is the worst mistake I've ever experienced. Because I’ve been through this situation and I know how painful it is.
Here is the thing — If you can’t understand your writing, no one is going to understand it.
Your final work is to read aloud your post.
Consider doing this. Because when you read your post aloud (Opened mouth) it helps you to find errors in the post as well as you can actually know the flow of your words and sentences.
This is the most effective way to create great posts.
I hope this help. Keep writing.