7 Ways To Enhance Content Quality Without Annoying The Reader

Include these things in your writing to improve

Har Narayan
4 min readSep 28, 2023
Image created by the author

Everyone wants to write great content. Don’t you?

Writing great content is an art in itself. If it were that easy, everyone would have eyeballs and an audience. But on the internet, only 1% of people create — the rest are lurkers and consumers.

And you can master creating great content by practicing it over and over again — there is no such thing as “Give me a magic box to write great content.”

You have to practice it.

But with the help of some little but powerful tips and tactics, you can enhance your content quality.

Here are seven of them:

Way 1: Start Small

Did you notice how I started this article?

Just with a short one sentence. This is how you start your posts, with one short one-sentence that doesn’t bother the reader to read. That’s your bait to grab the reader’s attention and tell them to start reading your content by starting with a small sentence.

Who doesn’t like it as a reader?

In that one sentence, you can either ask a meaningful question or you can state a powerful statement that supports your headline or topic.

Trust me, by doing so, you’ll have more eyeballs and readers than not implementing this little but powerful tip.

Way 2: Short and Medium Paragraphs

I don’t support writing long paragraphs.

Writing long paragraphs isn’t my cup of tea. I don’t like it. And maybe you too. I feel like writing long paragraphs makes the reader feel “This is a mess.”


When I see a long paragraph, I simply either read one or two sentences and lose my flow, or I simply skip the paragraph. This is how I read on the internet.

However, when I’m doing some important reading like research or want to know about a topic, I read all types of paragraphs. Because that time, information is more important than writing.

But it’s not always the case with Medium writing or your Twitter thread.

And trust me, this is how so many people read on the internet. They like to read short paragraphs — it’s a hardcore fact.

Writing short and medium paragraphs, on the other hand, pleases the reader’s eye. These short paragraphs don’t bother the reader’s eye.

Way 3: Give Examples and Metaphors

Examples are the cherry on top.

When you’re teaching something, try to give examples of the things you’re teaching. It not only helps the readers go “Wow, this is really true” but they also believe that you know your job.

You can tell about your personal stories or you can simply give a real-world analogy as “giving an example.” And this will support your point.

For more information, you can read this article on how I went viral just because I explained everything by giving an example.

Way 4: Ask Questions

Asking questions is powerful.

You might have noticed how I often ask you some follow-up questions when I state a point. Just take the example of the first sentence of this article. I did the same thing, right?

I’m a huge proponent of asking questions because when you ask questions, you keep the reader’s interest high and make your content way more engaging.

Asking questions is just like asking for an opinion. And who doesn’t like giving opinions on things? That’s why it works.

Way 5: Use Bullet Points and Lists

I really need to double down on this tip.

I believe listing things out works better than just writing the stuff in a line. Even in this article, I could have listed out when needed. But as I said, I need to double down on this.

Do you ever wonder why listicle articles work always? This is the reason. People like reading in list form.

Create a list, don’t add to the line.

Way 6: Speak to One Person

So many people make this mistake.

I often see so many writers write like:

  • “Hey, guys”
  • “Hey, Friends”
  • “Hey, Folks”
  • Etc.

I’m not reading your article with my sibling or parents, then how the hell can you address me as “hey guys” or “folks”? I’m just one person reading your content through mobile or laptop and I want you to address me with “You.” You know.

This is what you need to do.

If you make this mistake, please avoid it as soon as possible.

People want to feel personal, they don’t want to join a crowd or something. You can do this by addressing their name or just adding “You.”

Like I’m doing with my article. You got it.

Way 7: Write Good Headlines

The headline is everything.

Once I noticed someone said, “So many books became best-selling just because of the headline.” And I believe it’s damn true.

If you write a great headline, you get clicks, meaning your 80% job is done. Now you just have to give them what your headline promises.

So try practicing creating good headlines. See what works on the internet. Make a file of great headlines. Because it’s something once you master, it’ll pay you dividends for the rest of your life.

Don’t just create content, make the reader feel “I’ve got a Masterpiece.”



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