7 Powerful Writing Habits That Help You To Become A Better Writer
Build These Habits ASAP
Habits are the single most important aspect of your life that bring results of any work.
All the results happen to you because of your good or bad habits, Isn’t it?
If you are a writer or if you want to be a good writer, then the habits I'm going to show you, can increase your whole writing quality and help you to become a better writer.
All the habits I'm going to share with you are my personal experiences and thoughts that work for you. No rocket science it will definitely gonna work for you if you do it properly.
So let’s talk about the habits —
Habit #1: Read Books
Reading books is one of the best things you can do in order to become a better writer.
If you want to be a writer you have to be a reader first.
“You can’t be a good writer without being a devoted reader.”— J.K. Rowling
You can read medium posts, articles, blogs post, and also books because books impact more than others. So try to read books for at least 15 to 30 min per day. Although there is no parameter of 15 to 30 min reading, you can read as much as you can, because the more you read the more ideas and knowledge you generate.
Reading plays a vital role in your writing.
Habit #2: Journaling
Oh my gosh! I can’t ignore this tiny but crucial habit.
Here, I'm not talking about your Notepad, Google docs, or your Notion journal, I'm talking about your pen and paper journal — The actual Notebook.
This is so powerful.
All you have to do is just take your pen and paper and write down your nitty-gritty writing stuff.
Daily journaling gives you more insight and clarity about your work and helps you to make better progress in writing.
Habit #3: Write Every Day
No compromise.
If you want to be a writer you have to write every single day, it doesn't matter where you are, what situation you are in, what you feel, if you truly want to be a writer, write every day, per day.
It’s not about publishing content, it’s about writing daily.
Even if you don't find enough time to write, take some time and write at least 30 min per day. I know 30 min is very less, but think about it, if you do it for the next six months, you could become a great writer with no deal.
Start writing per day.
Habit #4: Scheduling
Making a daily routine is very essential when it comes to writing.
When you make a routine of your daily life, it helps you to save time. Because you know when you write, when you read, when you eat, when you sleep, and so on and so forth.
On the other hand, if you do not schedule your time it's hard to understand the right time of your daily routine and it ruins a lot of time on unnecessary things that don't matter to you because you don't know when you do a particular work.
And if you schedule your time, it helps you to work effectively.
Habit #5: Meditation
Believe it or not, meditation is so effective.
When you meditate, your body and soul feel calm, and it forces your brain to think and observe about the things that happen around you. It also forces your brain to change your mind in an active way, so that you make a quick decision.
Thoughts are an important part of the writing process, and meditation is the way to go to bring thoughts.
Habit #6: Drink Enough Water
We often forget to drink water while at the working period.
You should have to drink water, it’s the #1 number thing our body needs. Although, there are so many reasons why we should drink enough water. But, here I’m not going to dig deep into that.
Drinking water helps your brain to work fast and more effectively.
Just do it and feel the magical results.
Habit #7: Talk To The People
The more you talk with people the more ideas and experiences you generate.
Don’t just talk about yourself unstoppable, Nope! that's not a fair sign of good communication. Stop your voice and listen to their words carefully.
And just let it go…..
Bottom Line
Although there are millions of other things that you can do to become a better writer. But you don't have to do all the things, just do something effectively.
I hope my points make sense and help you to grow in your writing process.
Let me know your thoughts in the comment section. (I’m there)
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Keep writing.