7 Meaningless Writing Myths Every Writer Should Ignore

Let me correct you

Har Narayan
3 min readJul 20, 2022
Photo by Craig Adderley: Pexels

Oh my goodness! Myths. Ahh…

There are so many myths out there about writing. Myths that are nonsense meaningless, and worthless. As a writer, I know you also have some myths about writing (I know). But don’t worry I’m going to kill your all myths today at no cost.

Let’s Start —

Myth #1: Your Writing need to be 100% Perfect

Definitely Not.

Writers who chase perfectionism can never become better writers. Your writing never needs perfection. All you need is to write your piece, edit it once or twice and hit publish. Nothing else.

Think about James Patterson and Stephen King.

Myth #2: Virality “Guy”

Are you dependent on virality?

But FYI, virality never sustains. It’s a short-term pleasure. If you’re solely dependent on virality, then you’re not going to make any progress. I’m not saying you don’t need viral content but the thing is, you don’t need virality.

Instead, Build the library of content.

Myth #3: Writing Is Too Competitive

Well, It’s not.

Neither blogging nor writing. The only things that have changed over the decades are strategies and systems. You can’t apply the same strategies and planning that were working in 2010. You need to work definitely.

Give value, rest will come.

Myth #4: Volume Never Wins

They win.

Think this way:

If you write more, you create more.

If you create more, you get more data.

When you get more data, you get more feedback.

And ultimately you will become a better version of yourself.

Now think this conversely.

Hope! you got my point.

Myth #5: Grammar — The “So-called GOD”

Oh my goodness.

The grammar, I don’t give a shit about it. If your post is good, nobody cares about your f*cking grammar mistakes. Yeah, know someone will come and say “Hey your post is riddled with grammar mistakes, Idiot try Grammarly”.

But there will be only a few.

If you don’t know English, means you know other languages.

And the big part is: People read your content to know your thoughts, beliefs, and knowledge, not for your grammar mistake.


Myth #6: General Audience > Niche Audience

I don’t believe in the general audience.

The general audiences are the dead audiences, they never take action. They are zombies. On the other hand, niche audiences are active audiences who read all your posts, they take action on your command.

Real-world example —

That’s why people who have 50k untargeted followers make $300 per month.

And people who have 3k targeted followers make $50k per month.

Build a niche audience.

Myth #7: It’s Too Late

Never ever.

It’s never too late to start anything. It’s your myth, you’re being afraid of showing up.

Start creating content from today.

So what are your myths about writing? Write in the comment section.

Thanks for reading :)

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