Writers Habits | Writing Habits
5 Subtle Habits Of Successful Writers That You Should Imitate Right Now
These are the 5 habits you should build!
There are many things we can learn from successful writers.
The ones who got success in writing and became successful writers have some habits most common to them. However, some successful writers also had terrible bad habits — but regardless of those bad habits, they still became successful.
And I think part of the reason they became successful is because they’d get the work done. Always.
Here are the 5 habits of successful writers:
Habit 1: They Observe Closely
Most people consume closely.
But the most successful and prolific writers I know are the ones who observe things closely. They don’t doomscroll content. They pay attention.
And I believe it’s a strong and powerful habit to build.
Most people these days don’t even know how to properly observe the things that are happening in a moment. How silly is this?
So if you want to become a successful writer, you have to become a good observer first.
Habit 2: They Think Clearly
Thinking clearly is so crucial.
There is also a subtle difference between observing and thinking — if you really don’t know the difference, I’d suggest you do some Googling.
I believe successful writers don’t just read or consume the content — they actually think through it deeply. They try to find the big idea behind the concept and try to know the “Why” of the concept.
But if you talk about common people who are just addicted to TikTok or Instagram Reels, they don’t even know how to think clearly. Trust me.
They even forget the content that they just watched 5 minutes ago on TikTok. This is really what’s happening, you know.
So I strongly believe if you want to be a successful writer, you should really build a habit of thinking clearly.
Habit 3: They Walk Daily
This is the most common physical activity they do.
“The most successful writers barely do any exercise or workout.” I read that sentence somewhere on the internet, and it really makes me think “Wow, that’s so true.” Because it’s damn true.
They don’t do any exercise, but they DO walk a lot.
I have found that every successful writer likes to walk. And I believe it’s because when you walk, the ideas start to flow in your mind. This is the single best reason to walk.
Build a habit of walking right away!
Habit 4: They Write Daily
You need to write daily.
How can someone be successful if the person is simply not writing daily? Writing is a mental practice, and to master this practice, you have to write more frequently, more often.
Tyler Cowen, the founder of Marginal Revolution, has published something every day on his blog for more than 20 years. And that’s why he’s the go-to guy when it comes to “Microeconomics.”
“The greatest skills are built by doing the skill itself more frequently.”
Habit 5: They Don’t Waste Time
This might seem controversial.
You won’t find Stephen King watching TikTok, or you won’t find James Clear watching Instagram Reels. The reason is simple — they don’t waste their time doing things that aren’t worth their time.
They value their time, and they invest the time in doing important things that are more meaningful to them. Whether it’s writing a script, spending time with family, or taking care of their health by doing some walking or getting enough sleep.
If you want to become a successful writer, you can’t waste a minute of your life.
Instead, you should invest the time doing important things rather than watching Instagram reels, TikTok, or Netflix.
You get the point.