5 Mindsets That Helped Me Make My First $1,000 Writing Online In A Year
These are the mindsets you should have
Writing online has literally changed my life.
It not just changed my life from a financial perspective but also the way I see life, business, and happiness.
And the fun fact is, I never thought writing online would be my career path. I didn’t even know “Writing Online” was a thing until I came across it and took the full risk to become a writer.
I strongly believe that having the right mindset not only helps you make money writing online (doing what you love) but also helps you in so many ways. For instance, you understand more about yourself, life, business, happiness, etc.
Isn’t it the best thing? Certainly, it is.
At the start of my writing journey, I chased money. I wanted to make “so much money,” but as I kept going on the journey, I realized that “making so much money” wasn’t the thing I needed to live a “peaceful and happy life.”
Now I’m more interested in making my life better, bringing more happiness, and optimizing my life for more free time and freedom rather than making an “absurd amount of money.”
Well for now, here are the 5 mindsets you need to build:
Mindset 1: Know It’s Possible
If you think writing online is a scam — it is.
Let me tell you: It’s all up to you how you think. If you believe writing online isn’t the way to make money, then certainly you won’t be able to make any money.
Thus, you need to believe that you can make money writing online. The problem is that so many new aspiring writers think “Writing online is a scam.”
So, from day one, believe that you can make money writing online.
Mindset 2: Become Aware
Awareness is everything.
If you believe you can make money writing online but aren’t aware of the ways you can make money through it then you won’t be able to make money, right? Because you have no idea how to make money writing.
So, you gotta know the ways of making money. Oh, so there is consulting I can do. Oh, so there is a product I can create. Oh, so there is an ebook I can sell. Oh, so there is a newsletter I can start to get sponsorship.
Do you see what I mean? Awareness.
Be always curious to know about stuff.
Mindset 3: Consistent Learning & Growing
Writing online isn’t solely about “making money.”
Writing online, I believe, is a consistent learning and growing process. It doesn’t matter if you’re making money right now or not, but you have to learn things on a consistent basis.
Master the craft of writing. Network with people — learn from each other. Find interesting things about your topic and the domain you’re in.
This is what makes the journey exciting.
Mindset 4: Try Things Out
I tried a bunch of things and failed in so many of them.
If you never try the thing — you never know. So you must try things out. Whether it’s the courage to start on a new writing platform, building another source of income, or testing the new headline ideas in your writing.
The point is you must test things out.
This is how you make progress.
Mindset 5: Focus On Process Over Money
For me, this is so important.
If you’re an aspiring writer and just starting out your writing journey, this portion is especially for you. I strongly suggest you not be too focused on “making money” because you’re just starting out. First, see if you actually enjoy writing, and then think about the money part.
Because if you chase the money from day one and don’t make any money, then you’ll get demotivated so quickly and end up not writing.
So focus on enjoying the process, then money.
So, these are the 5 mindsets you really should build if you want to thrive in the digital economy and want to make money writing online while enjoying your writing process.
I hope this article helps you.
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