5 Eye-Opening Writing Books That Will Immensely Improve Your Craft

Without reading these books you can not become a great writer

Har Narayan
3 min readJun 17, 2022
Photo by John Ray Ebora: Pexels

Without reading books, your writing life is sketchy.

If you want to become a writer you have to become a reader first, because it’s impossible to become a great writer or at least a good writer, without reading books. (no arguments)

Give me at least the one writer's name who became a great writer without reading the books, give me one. I bet you won’t find a single one.


Because it is a fact that writer who became a great writer is all because of reading books.

In this post, I'm going to share with you the top five books you definitely should read if you want to become a good writer or, want to improve your writing.

Here are these five —

Book #1 — On Writing By Stephen King

Stephen King is really a “king” when it comes to writing, although he is a fiction writer.

I really like his writing style and the way he deploys the words is just next level.

On writing is a great book, you should definitely read it, at least once in your writing life. Because I personally have read his book and it opened my eye about some aspects of writing.

Especially if you’re a fiction writer, I bet you won’t the best book than this one.

Book #2 —The Elements Of Style By William Strunk and E.B White

This tiny book covers all the basics of writing.

This is for those who don’t know how to use commas, how to use periods, and other little aspects of writing.

If you are new to writing or just started out your writing journey then this book should be your #1 writing book. As a writer, I know how hard is to remember and apply every tiny thing of writing.

I have read this book two times and this book helps me a lot in writing.

Book #3 — On Writing Well By William Zinsser

This book is also a great book on writing because the book has covered some very important elements of writing, like wording, style, audience, clutters, and much more.

Definitely read.

Book #4 — The Art And Business Of Online Writing By Nicolas Cole

This is the book all you need.

This book is especially for online writers who write on social media platforms like Medium, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

Because the author of this book “ Nicholas cole” has covered in this book that how social media works, how to gain audience on social media, how to write on social media effectively, and so on.

I have an interesting story about how I got this book.

A few months back when I started writing online, I found this guy, and sooner I obsessed with his content and ultimately fall in love with his writing style.

Then a few weeks later, I sent him an appreciation email, and back in reply, he sent me his book in pdf form.

After I printed out his pdf in physical copy and have read his book 3 times so far.

Such a great book.

Book #5 — Bird By Bird by Anne Lamott

Neither I have read this book nor I've purchased this book.

But, but, but….

This book is on my book bucket list. I will soon order this book from amazon, As I've researched about this book, it’s a great writing book.

Let's see how it goes.

Bottom Line

Yes, you’re thinking right!

There are thousands even millions of books available for writing. But it won’t matter.

Because you don't have to read every single book. Be selective.

Also, it’s not necessary to read the book I've mentioned here, I've shared what I've experienced because I've read personally these books except the last one.

And I truly want to suggest you, please spend some $$ and buy these books, it will make you millions.

Trust me.

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Keep Writing.



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