5 Brutal Reasons You’re Not Growing On Medium (And How To Fix Them)

The 2nd one is the most important

Har Narayan
4 min readJun 6, 2024

Do you feel like you aren’t growing on Medium as you should be?

Well, you’re not alone. Even I’ve been there. There were months when I felt stuck. Didn’t get the views I wanted. Didn’t get the followers I wanted.

Why? I was making some stupid mistakes.

However, my mistakes can be different than yours — to a degree, but there won’t be a big difference. So those mistakes can fall around these five mistakes that you might be making right now, but you shouldn’t.

Here are the five mistakes (and how to fix them):

1. Not Enough Volume

If you’re thinking that publishing once a week can get you 20k or 50k views per month — you’re dead wrong, my friend. It’s not going to happen here.

Medium wants volume.

The more you publish, the more views you get (so the more you grow) on Medium. But the truth is you’re not publishing enough. And this might be a reason why you’re not seeing any results.

Here’s How To Fix It

The simple thing you can do to fix it is to publish as much as you can — make sure you create good (if not too good) stories.

No one likes to read crap.

If you have less than 1,000 followers, publishing once a day is so perfect. Because you’ll need an absurd amount of volume to get enough eyeballs.

The more you publish, the more views you get. So simple.

2. Picked The Wrong Niche

Let me tell you a fact.

The more lucrative your niche is, the more growth you have writing on Medium. Why? Because not all topics perform equally well on Medium.

Writing about self-improvement can get you tens of thousands of views on your stories but writing about cryptocurrency might not get you the views you want.

Because as I said, “Not every topic performs equally well on Medium.” And might be this is the reason you’re not growing on Medium — as you’ve selected the wrong niche.

Here’s How To Fix It

You’ve to choose your niche carefully.

However, there are a ton of topics that work well on Medium. Topics like self-help, writing, productivity, graphic development, politics, or health.

But you need to do your due diligence and see if you’ve chosen the right niche. Or, see what works on Medium. Check the explore page. Get some data and think about what you can write about — indulge your interest.

It’s important to choose the right niche!

3. Using ChatGPT To Write

I’ve seen quite a few people who solely write their stories using ChatGPT. They don’t even write a single word with their hands. And because of that the results they get are all poor.

If your input is poor, the output can not be good.

So if you’re using ChatGPT to write your stories. Stop doing this. Because if you’re not putting the work into writing your stories, you’ll see no results.

Here’s How To Fix It

ChatGPT is good though.

You can get done a lot of things using ChatGPT. It works well for writing headlines, outlining the content, and editing the story. But writing?

No, thank you.

It doesn’t do any better writing stories. It does the opposite. If you tell it “Hey ChatGPT, write me a story about 10 ways to change your life.” It’ll write you a story that you’d have never seen before.

Full of jargon. Full of generic stuff. No direction of where the writing is going.

The point is to write the story by yourself. Don’t use ChatGPT for it. You can use ChatGPT for brainstorming and editing the story.

4. Lack Of Writing Skill

Another mistake you might be making is you don’t know how to write.

Writing well is a skill and if you don’t have this skill, your growth will be stagnant. But if you’ve written well, and everything is good in your writing, then you’ll see a drastic change in your Medium growth.

If you write your stories well, it increases the quality of your story. And the idea that you mention in the story becomes super interesting. Agree?

Here’s How To Fix It

So, how to improve your writing?

Buy a few books on writing: The Art and Business of Online. Writing Well. On Writing. 100 ways to improve your writing. These are some of the writing books you can buy to learn about writing.

Read other people’s works. Not other people’s works but works of top writers, especially top authors like Stephen King, James Patterson, James Clear, Morgan Housel, or Mark Mansion.

Their writing style will teach you so much more about your writing.

5. Not Having Enough Patience

Good things take time to come.

It’s just the same as planting a seed and letting it grow for the rest of its life. You can’t expect to get a giant tree just by planting it today. It takes time.

No difference in writing too.

Maybe you’re doing everything good but you’re thinking too short. Maybe you’re just starting out or just doing the thing that can give you the results you want — but you’re not getting results because it’ll take some time.

Here’s How To Fix It

You should have a strong mindset about having patience and not being in too hurry. Just keep doing the thing that you’re doing and one day you’ll see the result.

Most people don’t get results because they quit too early — even though they’d do everything correctly. But because they lack the most important element, so they don’t get anything.

Have enough patience and assume that it’ll take time.

Want more? You can read this story:



Har Narayan

Medium Growth Writer | Helping you create Medium stories that go viral, attract followers, and make money | Here : harnarayan.bio.link