1,000 Targeted Audience > 10,000 Non-Targeted Audience, Here’s Why

Don’t Trap In Dogma

Har Narayan
3 min readJun 23, 2022
Photo by Justice Amoh on Unsplash

Audience differentiation is a sign of a dead audience.

Only audience growth is not important, targeted audience is crucial. I would prefer 1,000 targeted audience rather than 10,000 non-targeted audience.

But getting a targeted audience is only possible when you write in certain domains (not too many). If you write about ten different topics, it’s hard to get targeted audiences.

Keep in mind, I’m not talking about your Medium partner program, where you can write about 10 different topics and make pennies or more.

I’m talking about long-term value game.

Also if you’re making money through MPP, the good thing you can do is only write about selected two or three domains that you love to talk about, this is how you can get the targeted audience.

So here are the top reasons why 1,000 targeted audience is greater than 10,000 untargeted audience.

Reason #1: Numbers Game That Doesn’t matter

Followers are just a numbers game.

Your 1,000 targeted audiences are way better than 10,000 non-targeted audiences.

I know some Twitter guys —

  • who have 3,000 followers and make $10k per month.
  • who have 30,000 followers and make less than $3k per month.

Don’t judge a person based on their followers count.

Reason #2: Engagement

The more specific your niche will be the more targeted audience you acquire.

When you have a targeted group of people they will engage with your every post. It doesn't matter whether you publish your post at 2 pm or 2 am. They will always engage. On the other hand, if you have an untargeted group of audience they will never engage with your future content.


Because your content is not relevant to them.


Reason #3: Conversion

When you write about ten different topics you can make money on the platform through Medium partner program.

But, when you want to sell something to your audience which is not targeted, they will likely to don’t buy your product or services.

That's where your conversion goes less than 1%.

But if you write about selected one to two topics, thus you’re audience will be targeted. And whenever you want to sell something to them, the chance of buying your products and services will be high.

That’s where conversion goes greater than 15%.

At the same time, you’re making money with MPP.

Simple as that.

Reason #4: Growth Of Confusion

Non-targeted audience is a signal of confusion.

When you have 10,000 or more untargeted audiences they can cause of confusion. They ultimately confuse you. Because some people engage with your post some of them do not.

And if you want to monetize your audience, it will take you too long to understand your audience.

It causes you the confusion of —

  • What to write.
  • What to offer.
  • What Products and services should you create.
  • More.

This is where you will be stuck in writing.

Reason #5: Authority And Trust

This is Important.

When you have group of targeted audience, they will engage with your content, and when someone who is new to your profile, click on your content one by one at least 3 to 5 posts, and if he/she will find all your posts engaging. They give you the credibility of authority. They will trust you.

Let them follow you on automation and join them in your targeted audience list.

Reason #6: Good For Short Term, Bad For Long Term

Think long term, not short term.

I do agree 10,000 followers are 10 times more than 1,000 followers but it’s only good for the short term.

If you’re a thinker like me who believes in compounding and want to build his own business then, you will have to choose the 1,000 targeted audience.

Let me give you some proof of me.

Check my all post, open them one by one, and see all the comments and claps. Open one another account who writes about different topics and compares my engagement with his/her content.

You’ll know what I'm trying to teach you in this post.

I don’t know if you agree with my perspective and points but it is who I’m. Also, let me know your thoughts on this in the comment section.

I hope this will help.

I Will Help You On “Writing Tactics And Medium Audience Growth” Here

Keep Writing.



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